How Many Mimosas to Get Drunk? A Comprehensive Guide

Mimosas are a popular brunch drink that combines champagne and orange juice. While many people enjoy the taste of mimosas, some may wonder how many they should drink to get drunk. The answer to this question depends on various factors, including a person’s weight, gender, alcohol tolerance, and how fast they are drinking.

It takes an average of four to six servings of mimosa to get a person drunk. However, this number can vary depending on the individual’s body weight and alcohol tolerance. It’s essential to note that drinking too much alcohol can lead to dangerous consequences, including impaired judgement, memory loss, and alcohol poisoning.

How Many Mimosas to Get Drunk
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Factors Affecting Alcohol Absorption

Factors Affecting Alcohol Absorption
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There are several factors that can affect how quickly alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream. These factors include:

  • Body Weight: People who weigh more have a higher blood volume, which means alcohol is more diluted in their bloodstream. As a result, it takes longer for them to feel the effects of alcohol.
  • Gender: Women tend to have a higher percentage of body fat and a lower percentage of water in their bodies than men. This means that alcohol is more concentrated in their bloodstream, leading to a higher blood alcohol concentration (BAC) than men who consume the same amount of alcohol.
  • Food: Drinking on an empty stomach can lead to a faster absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream. Eating food before or while drinking can help slow down the absorption of alcohol.
  • Type of Alcohol: Different types of alcohol have different alcohol contents. For example, a standard serving of beer contains less alcohol than a standard serving of wine or spirits. This means that it takes more beer to reach the same BAC as wine or spirits.
  • Rate of Consumption: Drinking alcohol quickly can lead to a faster absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream. Sipping on a drink or spacing out drinks can help slow down the absorption of alcohol.
  • Medications: Some medications can interact with alcohol and affect how quickly it is absorbed into the bloodstream. It is important to talk to a healthcare provider about any medications being taken and their potential interactions with alcohol.

Understanding these factors can help individuals make informed decisions about their alcohol consumption and reduce the risk of negative consequences associated with excessive drinking.

Recommended Mimosa Intake for Different Body Types

When it comes to drinking mimosas, the amount needed to get drunk varies from person to person. Here are some recommended mimosa intake for different body types:

Light Body Type

People with a light body type tend to weigh less than 150 pounds. They have a lower tolerance for alcohol and are more likely to get drunk quickly. For this body type, it is recommended to consume no more than two mimosas to avoid getting drunk.

Medium Body Type

People with a medium body type weigh between 150 and 200 pounds. They have a moderate tolerance for alcohol and can handle more than those with a light body type. For this body type, it is recommended to consume no more than three mimosas to avoid getting drunk.

Heavy Body Type

People with a heavy body type weigh over 200 pounds. They have a higher tolerance for alcohol and can handle more than those with a light or medium body type. For this body type, it is recommended to consume no more than four mimosas to avoid getting drunk.

It is important to remember that these are just recommendations and not a guarantee. Everyone’s body reacts differently to alcohol, and it is essential to drink responsibly. It is also recommended to consume water and food while drinking to help slow down the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream.

Tips for Drinking Mimosas Responsibly

Tips for Drinking Mimosas Responsibly
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When it comes to drinking mimosas, it’s important to do so responsibly. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Start with a glass of water. Before starting to sip on a mimosa, make sure to have a glass of water handy. This will help the body stay hydrated and prevent dehydration.
  • Eat something. Having something to eat while drinking mimosas can help slow down the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream. Eating also helps keep the body from getting too intoxicated too quickly.
  • Know your limits. Everyone has different alcohol tolerances, so it’s important to know your own limits. Don’t feel pressured to keep up with others or to drink more than you can handle.

By following these tips, one can enjoy drinking mimosas without overindulging or putting themselves in danger.


When it comes to drinking mimosas, many people wonder how many they should consume to get drunk. Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers:

  • How many mimosas will get you drunk? On average, it takes around four to five flutes of mimosa cocktails to get a person drunk. However, this can vary depending on several factors, such as body weight, gender, and tolerance.
  • How many mimosas can you have before you start feeling tipsy? Generally, most people will start to feel the effects after two or three mimosas. If you’re looking to get tipsy, three mimosas could do the trick.
  • What is the alcohol content of mimosas? The alcohol content of mimosas can vary depending on the type of champagne used and the amount of orange juice added. On average, a mimosa contains about 10% alcohol by volume (ABV).
  • What are the risks of drinking too many mimosas? Drinking too many mimosas can lead to several risks, such as dehydration, nausea, vomiting, and even alcohol poisoning. It is important to drink responsibly and in moderation.
  • Can you drink mimosas on an empty stomach? It is not recommended to drink mimosas on an empty stomach as this can increase the risk of getting drunk faster and experiencing negative side effects. It is best to eat a meal or snack before drinking.
  • What are some tips for drinking mimosas responsibly? Some tips for drinking mimosas responsibly include drinking water in between cocktails, eating food while drinking, and avoiding driving or operating heavy machinery after consuming alcohol.


The number of mimosas needed to get drunk depends on several factors, including the person’s gender, weight, and tolerance to alcohol. Generally, it takes about four to five drinks in an hour for a 160-pound man to reach a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08, which is the legal limit for driving in most states. It is recommended to limit alcohol intake to one drink per hour and to alternate alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic ones.

Furthermore, the quality and size of the mimosas can also affect how quickly a person gets drunk. A mimosa made with equal parts champagne and orange juice will have an ABV of 12%, which is similar to most wines. However, if the mimosa is made with more champagne or a higher alcohol content sparkling wine, it will have a higher ABV and can lead to quicker intoxication.

It is important to know the signs of alcohol poisoning and to seek medical attention immediately if necessary. Symptoms of alcohol poisoning include confusion, vomiting, seizures, slow breathing, and loss of consciousness.

Overall, while mimosas can be a delicious and refreshing drink, it is important to consume them responsibly and in moderation to avoid any negative consequences.

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