What Does XXX Mean on a Moonshine Jug? Explained

Moonshine, also known as white lightning, is a high-proof distilled spirit that has been popular in the United States for centuries. It is often associated with the Prohibition era, when the production and sale of alcohol was illegal, and moonshine was made in secret by bootleggers. Moonshine jugs are often marked with the letters “XXX,” which has led to some confusion about what the letters actually mean.

Moonshine Jugs
Image Source: Shutterstock.com

History of Moonshine Jugs

Moonshine jugs have been around for centuries and have become an iconic symbol of the American South. These jugs were used to store and transport homemade whiskey, which was produced illegally during the Prohibition era. The jugs were often marked with the letters “XXX,” which became synonymous with moonshine.

Historically, the XXX symbol was used by moonshiners to imply that their brew had gone through the still three times, showing buyers that it was strong alcohol and pure.

Moonshine jugs were often made of stoneware or ceramic materials, which helped to keep the whiskey cool and prevent it from spoiling. The jugs were also designed to be easily transported, with a handle at the top and a spout at the bottom for pouring.

During the Prohibition era, moonshine jugs were often hidden from authorities and transported in secret. Moonshiners would use a variety of methods to conceal their jugs, including wrapping them in burlap or hiding them in false-bottomed crates.

XXX on Moonshine Jugs

XXX on Moonshine Jugs
Image Source: Shutterstock.com

The XXX symbols on a moonshine jug refer to the number of times the alcohol has been distilled. The moonshiners used to run the alcohol through the still three times, signifying that it was pure and strong alcohol.

Contrary to popular belief, the markings do not mean that the moonshine is poisonous. Instead, the moonshiners wanted to inform consumers that the moonshine with XXX markings was of high quality. The markings were a way for the moonshiners to show off their creativity and resourcefulness during the Prohibition era, where they made moonshine with whatever materials were available, often in makeshift stills.

It is important to note that moonshine is a type of unaged whiskey, which is illegal to produce in the United States. Moonshine is typically made by fermenting a mash of corn, sugar, and water, and then distilling it in a copper still. The alcohol content of moonshine can range from 40% to 60%, making it significantly stronger than most commercially available spirits.

Different Meanings of XXX on Moonshine Jugs

Moonshine jugs marked with XXX have become an iconic symbol of the illegal liquor. However, the meaning behind the XXX markings on the jug is not commonly known. Here are the different meanings of XXX on moonshine jugs:

  • Distillation Process: The most common meaning of XXX on a moonshine jug is that it indicates the number of times the alcohol was distilled. Each X marking indicates one distillation process. Therefore, a jug with three Xs indicates that the alcohol underwent a three-time distillation process. Moonshiners use this marking to inform consumers that the moonshine with XXX markings is pure and strong alcohol.
  • Alcohol Content: Some people believe that the XXX markings on moonshine jugs indicate the alcohol content. However, this is not true. The markings do not indicate the alcohol content in any way. Instead, they indicate the distillation process, as mentioned above.
  • Beer Strength: In the 19th century, XXX markings were used to indicate the strength of beer. The X was adapted to simply mean “ale,” while XXX meant “porter,” and XXXX meant “stout,” each increasing with intensity. Some English colonists may have brought this practice to America, where it was adopted by moonshiners.
  • Law Enforcement: Another meaning of XXX on moonshine jugs is that it was used to help moonshiners avoid detection by law enforcement. The “XXX” stands for “extra extra extra,” which was a way of indicating that the jug contained a particularly strong batch of moonshine. This code was used to help moonshiners avoid detection by law enforcement.

Other Symbols on Moonshine Jugs

Aside from the XXX markings, there are other symbols that moonshiners have used to mark their jugs. Here are some of them:

  • Stars: A star on a moonshine jug indicated that the moonshine was of high quality. The more stars, the better the quality.
  • Arrows: Arrows were used to indicate the direction of the distillery or the direction in which the moonshine was to be transported.
  • Skulls: Skulls were used as a warning to potential thieves or to indicate that the moonshine was not to be consumed by anyone who was not authorized.
  • Animals: Some moonshiners used animal symbols to indicate the type of moonshine inside. For example, a snake symbol could indicate a particularly potent or dangerous moonshine.
  • Numbers: Numbers were sometimes used to indicate the batch or the year in which the moonshine was made.

It’s important to note that these symbols were not standardized, and their meanings could vary from place to place or even from moonshiner to moonshiner. It was up to the buyer or the drinker to decipher the meaning of the symbols on a particular jug.

Moonshine jugs were often decorated with other designs as well, such as flowers or geometric patterns. These designs were usually added for aesthetic purposes or to help distinguish one moonshine jug from another.


The XXX on a moonshine jug is a mark of quality and authenticity. It is a symbol of the moonshiner’s skill and craftsmanship, and it is a sign of the quality of the product inside. The three Xs on the jug indicate that the liquid has gone through the three-step distillation process, which is the hallmark of good moonshine.

Moonshine has a long and storied history in the United States, and the XXX on a moonshine jug is just one of the many symbols of that history. While it may have been used in the past to indicate that the moonshine was strong or even dangerous, today it is a sign of the moonshiner’s pride in his or her craft.

Whether you are a fan of moonshine or just curious about its history, the XXX on a moonshine jug is an important symbol to understand. It tells the story of the moonshiner’s skill and dedication, and it is a reminder of the unique and fascinating history of this iconic American drink.

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